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Creativity Week 2015

 At the end of last term we had a fantastic Creativity Week take place here at Kingsmead. Every year group, from Nursery through to Year 6 took part in creative activities

 At the end of last term we had a fantastic Creativity Week take place here at Kingsmead. Every year group, from Nursery through to Year 6 took part in creative activities which were all linked to this year’s Take One Picture painting from the National Gallery:


                                 Mr and Mrs Andrews by Thomas Gainsborough painted around 1750                                                                

10 School Direct trainee teachers helped to run our Creativity Week,  planning some really  exciting lessons for the children: from making mudrock shoes, to role playing and building time machines. Everyone also helped to create a  whole school collaborative piece- a short film, with music composed by our year 6 children,  which you can see at the bottom of this page beneath the photos.