Parents & Carers
Parental involvement is welcomed and valued at Kingsmead and is crucial to enriching the experience of the children at our school. We both support our families and involve them in school life in many ways, some of which are listed below:
Kingsmead Coffee Mornings
These informal gatherings take place every fortnight and are a welcome chance for parents and carers to discuss and explore aspects of family life and share ideas and experiences in relation to supporting their children at home. Our Coffee Mornings have been a great success building a community of Kingsmead families and are now run by our Pastoral Support Manager and other school staff. They have included visits from The Family Coach Service, the school Nurse and our Speech and Language therapist to name a few. Other recent sessions have focused on exploring our LEAP Empowerment Curriculum, Emotional Well-being, Supporting Behaviour at Home with an introduction to Zones of Regulation, an approach used at Kingsmead. If you would like to get involved just speak to the school office who will let you know the date of the next planned Coffee Morning.
Parent Carer Come To School Weeks
During these weeks, which take place twice a year, parents and carers are invited to attend lessons in their child's class, allowing them to see how we teach and how the children learn. There are a variety of subjects to choose from and everyone is encouraged to feedback after the session. Comments from those attending our Parent and Carer Come to School Weeks have been unanimously positive and the children are always very proud to have their parents in their classrooms and to be able to show off their achievements. Thanks to all our teachers for making these weeks such a successful feature of our school year.
Parent Training & Workshops
We regularly offer families the chance to have training sessions in school, with workshops on teaching Phonics, Reading and Writing, Maths (through our Ocean Maths sessions) and History as examples of recent sessions. We have also held sessions with the School Nurse on child health and with the Speech and Language therapist on supporting language development and communication skills. We have also run taster Dance and Drumming workshops for our parents too!
Summer Fair
Every year we hold a vibrant and well attended Summer Fair, with music, activities & performances and delicious food cooked by our school kitchen team, with donations of international dishes from families. Our steel pan groups, including the staff steel pan band, perform and a huge raffle is held, helping to raise funds for the school.
International Evening 
A highlight of the Kingsmead school calendar, International Evening is a really special event, where the whole school community comes together to celebrate our diversity. With great entertainment involving music and dance and wonderful dishes of food cooked and donated by our parents and carers for all to share, it is a fantastic example of how Kingsmead school champions and celebrates the range of cultures and heritage of our community. We are constantly overwhelmed by the generosity of our families, who help to create an incredible feast for all.
Cake Sales
In the summer term parents help to run weekly cake sales after school to help raise funds for the school. The cake sales rely on donations of cakes, biscuits and home-made treats which are donated by our families.
Free Food Shops
Our weekly Free Food Shops were started during the Covid lockdown and have run ever since. We are extremely grateful to the Felix project who enable us to offer a weekly selection of free food to our whole school community. This has been hugely popular with our families who come every week to top up their supplies.